The front cover of the book The Third Marathon - a photo of a very sunny day on a road in rural France - Paul 
is wearing his Geneva Marathon runners bib and his regular running kit

- The text on the cover says:

- The Third Marathon

- The objective is to live longer not to kill yourself

- Paul Brannigan

- One man's story. The overweight middle aged man who became fit and healthy. 

- Why he did it, and how he did it. 

- And all the mistakes he made along the way. 

- This book covers everything you needed to know before your first marathon, but didn't!

The Third Marathon

The objective is to live longer not to kill yourself

Paul Brannigan

One man's story. The overweight middle aged man who became fit and healthy.

Why he did it, and how he did it.

And all the mistakes he made along the way.

This book covers everything you needed to know before your first marathon, but didn't!

Cover photo: Paul on 2 May 2018, running along Route de L'Europe between Prévessin-Moëns and Aire de fitness Bois de Serves, just north of CERN, Geneva.

Route de L'Europe was affectionately known as "The Fridge".

Whilst it looks glorious in summer, it's freezing cold in winter. The trees along the footpath trap the cold air. No matter the season, you are guaranteed to transition from warmer air to colder air as you enter The Fridge!

I'm just an ordinary guy who's had an extraordinary 20 year journey.

I'm neither a doctor, nor a nutritionist, nor a personal trainer. I'm an average bloke who's a husband and a dad, and who wants to continue being a husband, and a dad, then a grandad, and then stay alive long enough to become a great grandad! And, that meant that there came a stage in my life when I decided I needed to get serious, and to really work on improving my health and fitness!

This is my story. I hope it helps you along a similar path.

  • Comprehensive. Detailed. Clear.
  • Perfect for novice runners.
  • A meticulous, wide ranging discussion.
  • Authentic. Warm. Friendly.
  • And brutally honest.
  • Seventeen illustrations.
  • Better than some "how to" guides.
  • Genuinely sincere and helpful.

Starting with the gym in 2005, the first 10k race in 2006, and a delve into other 10k races and half marathons. The book covers weight management, sports wear, running shoes, training and more.

Then the three marathons themselves, Milton Keynes 2013, Geneva 2018, and Chelmsford 2024. The story is rounded off with a discussion about goals and the future.

Partly autobiographical, and partly instructional. It's one man's story of a twenty year journey from fat forty something to fit sixty something.

A compelling read for anybody who wants to try a marathon for the first time.

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